A Visit to Cambodia
FLOATING VILLAGES, bustling markets, streets jammed with motorbikes transporting everything from live chickens to refrigerators—these are just some of the sights and sounds in parts of Cambodia.
The people of Cambodia are known for being warm, friendly, and close-knit. In informal settings, they may refer to one another using titles for brother, sister, aunt, uncle, grandmother, or grandfather—even if they are meeting for the first time!
Rice is a prominent part of Cambodian cuisine. A typical meal will have three or four dishes, often including soup. Fish is a favorite food. It is common for sweet, sour, and salty dishes to be served in the same meal.
About two millenniums ago, Indian merchants and pilgrims on their way to China began frequenting Cambodia’s coastline and exchanging silk and metals for spices, aromatic wood, ivory, and gold. In time, the people of Cambodia absorbed the influence of India and China, and thus Hinduism and Buddhism flourished. Today, over 90 percent of the inhabitants are Buddhist.
Population: Approximately 14 million
Capital: Phnom Penh
Climate: Warm to hot, with wet and dry seasons
Exports: Clothing, timber, rubber, rice